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Static vs. dynamic conditions

Growing significance of the dynamic part

Hoofdkantoor, Amsterdam

Summary: Static action and dynamic interaction have to coexist, but the modern tendency goes towards the dynamic part. Both shares appear in different forms in all parts of the world, in the inner and outer cosmos, the humanities and sciences, in private and public human relationships. Agreements between synthetical philosophy and psychotherapy appear to confirm growing significance of the dynamic part.

Static action and dynamic interaction both coexist in nature and also in any form of life simply because life is part of nature. In nature a very evident example might be the balanced coexistence of gravity and motion. Such an equilibrium is shown, for instance, by the constant movement of the moon around the earth.

In life situations this seems, at the first glance, to be more difficult and less easy to be found or reached. But the above statement should also be valid for human relationships in private as well as in public life.

Between partners in a personal relationship these both parts appear to show up under very different names, which could seem not to be related to the above general phenomenon. But the Belgian-American psychotherapist Esther Perel has exposed the contrast between surrender and autonomy and also between security and adventure as two essential, but often conflicting such shares in a partnership. It appears evident that surrender as well as security mean the static part of it, while autonomy and adventure refer to the dynamic component.

What kind of conclusions could be drawn from this view? If two partners want to stabilize their relationship they have to look for balance between these both shares literally like the moon on the orbit around the earth. At the first glance this would need tiring rational consciousness and constant psychic evaluation of both shares in the actual situation, what in practice hardly can be assumed. The certainly clever practical proposal of the psychotherapist is to be just alive or to say it a little bit more philosophical to use and train cognition and processing not only rationally, but with the whole body. This, however, can be done easier “simply” just by being witty and having fun if possible. Here the psychotherapist can help, if the help is really desired by both persons what, of course, some times may be doubted.

Like all development in nature the development of human relationships in societies itself underlies also development, which generally goes on by recursion. By this often unknown term coming from math is meant that part of a former development could generally be used to improve the next step of it in kind of a back feed. This fact can be considered as a natural law as also shown by thermodynamics. The consequence is a continuous advantage of growth of the dynamic part compared to the static one.

For human partners thus a growing importance of the dynamic part in a relationship could be expected during life time. This however depends an the number of persons involved and therefore must not go on continuously but often irregularly and more unexpectedly, what corresponds to the general human experience in partnerships.

The same happens in societies where more continuous growth of the dynamic share compared to the static one is to be expected as consequence of a greater number of people involved. There phenomena like feudal and democratic states or just dictatorship and democracy can be compared and are supposed to lead to similar results as by observing private relations. Generally private and public institutions may develop according to similar tendencies. A gradually greater percentage of free relationships compared to marriage, and also a growing number of less fixed political movements compared to established parties can be expected and is actually found nowadays.

Thus practical philosophy also termed synthetical on one side and professional practice of actual psychotherapists on the other side yield wide agreement thereby supporting confidence in new tendencies to interpret modernity rather as dynamic than just relating to the latest period of time.

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