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Ten little wars

they once went to battle

Development and progress

neither poetry nor philosophy?

Understanding and respect,

not authority and advantage

can together

nature-loving and culturally open

bring development and progress,

and help to avoid conflicts and crises. 

Ten little wars

they once went to battle

Perhaps the first horrific

wars waged by living beings

on our unique earth

took place between

bacteria and fungi

and led to

development of antibiotics and

progress through better membranes.

Today both are no more weapons, but

called medication and borders.

The second widespread

wars waged by biological species

on all our unique continents

took place between

viruses and cells

and led to

development of useful organs

and progress through better forms of skin.

Neither act as weapons, but rather are using

antibodies and selective pores.

The third very cruel

wars waged between living beings

in all populated areas

took place between

animals and humans

and led to

development of diverse religions

and progress through power and rule.

It had not to be done with weapons, but

protection and language were needed.

The fourth also not harmless

wars caused by life forms

on every one of the continents

took place between

hunters and settlers

and led to

development of traffic and settllements

and progress through exploration and creative work.

Tools should not become weapons, but

knowledge and creativity can arise.

The fifth still tougher

wars over vast territories

of different countries

took place between

conquerors and states

and led to

development of vehicles and forts

and progress through research and technology.

Inventions should not cause submission, but let

help and construction arise.

The sixth very fanatical

wars of faith

between religious denominations

took place between

traditionalists and progressives

and led to

development of logic and analysis

and progress through schools and business.

Secularization is not meant to be sectarian, but rather

insight and planning might arise.

The seventh merciless

wars involving peoples

took place between various

nationalists waving flags

and led to

development of parliaments and elections

and progress through parties and constitutions.

Oposition is not supposed to be black and white, but

coalitions with various colors arise.

The eighth even more awful

wars over reaching majorities

took and take place between

splitting major religions

and led to

development of fascism and pacifists

and progress through diplomacy and demonstrations.

Beliefs should not be claims, but give support

for mutual recognition.

The ninth still farther-reaching

wars fought over economy

take place between

capitalism and socialists

and lead to

questionable development of more inequality

and less progress from increasing destruction.

By exploitation there is only a short profit,

while freedom movements will arise.

The tenth even destroying everything

wars fought back against nature

will take place now and soon go further on between

living beings either with more or less mutual respect

and lead to

questionable darwinists as well as moralists

and backsliding through disasters and many crises.

By destroying nature and death of too many people

maybe apocalypse can really arise.

© Hans J. Unsoeld, Berlin 2020

Mar 23, 2020

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