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Middle way modern - three words, three issues

The current policy - not just limited to the German or the European one, no worldwide,- is stuck in great difficultes. The three main issues are precisely given by the three expressions "middle" and "way" and "modern".  

We have no center anymore. What to do?

There is lacking as well a conceptual focus as a political center. In our views we are dragged to the left and to the right, in many areas. On the one hand tradition-negating, and on the other, more or less conservative religious groups try to influence the private as well as the public life. Torn by deconstructivist or purely consumer-oriented art both try to dominate. More and more tendencies conceived either as too specialized or as populist are increasingly spreading at our educational institutionts and thus also in politics and the state.

Everywhere too little is done to find a middle position. Individuals are able to do something, but not enough. This is why elections generally play an enormous role. But their importance is not sufficiently exploited or even massively undermined and abused, as the example of the British Brexit has recently shown in a frightening manner.

There exists an urgent need to create a balance between the drifting population groups in a steady, but rapid way. The increase in land tax appears to be THE appropriate means to realize this. This ought to be the only means of avoiding extreme capitalism as well as extreme communism and to actively reach a meaningful state in which the advantages of both systems are maintained and the disadvantages of both systems are also avoided. The increase of the land tax must be smooth and not stepwise so that a trouble-free transition is ensured.

Many ways seem to be blocked. What to do?

Our ways to a better future concern both conceptions and distribution of wealth. Ideological precepts are still, and even increasingly, re-established by religious beliefs and the influence of representatives of religious organizations, thus influencing strongly material distributions. Historical examples show the importance of secularization for human progress in cultural and political life. The most important means for this is a strict separation of churches and the state, which, however, is again less realized in recent times. Attempts at decisive innovations can be massively undermined without the public being aware or informed. Thus a renewed and likewise gliding, but rapid pressure to strengthen secularization seems urgently to be on the agenda, which is aimed at a suppression of the influence of religious representatives in all state organs.

We do not know enough what modern means. What to do?

The awareness must grow that a leadership through fixed, essentially medieval beliefs is diametrically opposed to a modern, dynamically understood life with ongoing self-determination in both private and public life. Prayer does not help, because that involves adherence to predetermined beliefs. Meditation, on the other hand, means a personal questioning which is completely independent and can lead to results that were not suggested before by anybody. Modern should therefore mean for us dynamic and not not of recent times. This is in clear contrast to static behaviors which, if possible, keep things in their current state, only provide for stable conditions and hinder development. It is now known that buildings can withstand an earthquake better if they are not statically rigid, but can give way in a dynamic form - a wisdom that every blade of grass already knows. We must also learn the same and, above all, use it to develop our certainly imperfect democracy. If the parliaments do not really represent the population in their actual composition, it will be constantly tried to question them in their authority, for example, by referendum or even by overthrow. Thus, improvements of the democracy are of great importance.  

© Copyright Hans J. Unsoeld, Berlin 2017

Updated July 21, 2017   

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