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Time directed

Time is the most precious currency, it is claimed (1). How we invest our time would be an important question. Do we really have to live in a substantially monopolar way, or does the versatility concealed behind the term "multipolar" have an equivalent significance?  

Should we live single-railed or double-railed in the manner of modern traffic systems or not be forced into tracks at all? Are "distractions" really harmful or enriching our lives? (2)

It could be decisive what we let ourselves be guided by. Is success the number 1? The maximum concentration would then be in a singularity - just a single problem and in as short a time as possible. This means renouncing continuity and even disruption of continuous processes.

The multipolar mission statement is likely to be knowledge. As much as possible information scattered wheresoever is necessary for this. One has to make small and smallest steps towards unknown questions, whereby recursion is the basic principle. Continuity is required. It is not without reason that success-oriented people have no great respect for such a search for knowledge, and conversely, those individuals seeking knowledge do not value so much the success, which is usually measured economically or with money.

But are these two possibilities just extreme cases, which should be avoided? Would this also require a modern middle way to be asked, or is it only an egocentric idea of ​​this author of the website ARS-UNA?

By progress, we equally understand successes and insights that are concentrated on a single point with a kind of focus that de facto results in the creation of a singularity.

Singularities, then, are remarkably not only natural phenomena, with allegedly mostly bad consequences, but also, conversely, the result of desirable activities by people who use their time in a directed manner. It is therefore a matter of selection, certainly also in the biological sense.

Biological selection in humans today is extremely limited by the fact that, in a rough approximation, they have only about two offspring. However, unlike growth, real development can not take place without selection. This property is evidently achieved nowadays by making progress in the above general meaning, which arises by focusing on important factors for success or knowledge from a broad base onto a single point, in common speech on a single "problem". Singularities do not have a destructive effect as their most important characteristic, but emphasize discontinuity in a brief but decisive moment. This is the very basis of the limiting understanding of development as opposed to growth, as already noted earlier on this website of ARS-UNA.  

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